Shadow Lake Invitational 2008

Women's A Results    Men's A Results    Women's B Results    Men's B Results

Mini Draw   Women's A Results 

In a battle between two Pittsburgh teams, Christine Johnson and Lynn Thompson defeated Kelly Fischer and Nathalie Lemieux to win the first Region 4 tournament of the year in Rochester, NY.



Shadow Lake 2008 Women Winners Shadow Lake 2008 Women Finalists
Winners Lynn Thompson & Christine Johnston Finalists Nathalie Lemieux, Kelly Fischer, Lynn Thompson & Christine Johnston


To view the draw in Excel format, click here.

Shadow Lake Women 2008 Draw Final Image

Mini Draw   Men's A Results


To view the draw in Excel format, click here.

  Shadow Lake Men 2008 Draw Image

Mini Draw   Women's B Results


To view the draw in Excel format, click here.

Shadow Lake Women B 2008 Draw Image

Mini Draw   Men's B Results


To view the draw in Excel format, click here.

Shadow Lake Men B 2008 Draw Image 


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