Matt Doody and Drew Sawyer Fire It Up at Brae Burn ‘B’
Don Helm
December 13, 2013
Newton, MA
An abundantly forecast light snow greeted the full 32 field at the 38th Annual Brae Burn 'B' on December 7, but things heated up quickly. A faulty switch prevented the shut-off of heaters on one court. By 10 AM, sneakers were melting during play on the affected court at Weston Golf Club, which will be hosting two PCQ/NRT tournaments in the next six weeks. Coincidentally, APTA President Rob Coster was playing on the adjoining court. Could he have been distracted from his play as the possibility arose of the court melting into the turf in advance of the upcoming tournaments?
Eventually, with some of the best minds available converging at the site, the decision was made to call the Weston Fire Department. Three fire engines responded and the faulty heater equipment was neutralized with no further effect than some noise in the neighborhood.
Paddle activity also heated up on the courts by mid-afternoon. Defending champions Matt Doody and Drew Sawyer withstood three match points at 5-3 in the second set of the semifinals against Nick Whitman and Dave Jenkins. The third match point, on a shot by the challengers, tipped the tape and bounced just wide, maybe having been too low by a quarter of an inch. In the end, Doody won his unprecedented fourth straight Brae Burn 'B,’ and Drew Sawyer his career third.
The tournament does not happen without the wonderful cooperation of the paddle committees at the host clubs—The Country Club of Brookline, Weston Golf Club, Wellesley Country Club and Brae Burn Country Club—nor without the efforts of the well-experienced hut commander crew of Judy Helm, Nancy Walthall, Greg Eadie, and Bruce Pierce.