2018: John Noble & Alan Graham

2014: Lisa Rudloff and Duane Hayden

2014: Russ Jones and Joe Russo

2012: Anne Flemming & Hendy Dayton

2011: Tim McAvoy & Bill O'Brien

2009: Mark Fischl & Ann Sheedy |
Every one of us can name people who have selflessly contributed to the sport of platform tennis year after year. The passionate efforts of these people are indispensable to the health and growth of the sport, but only a handful of them will achieve the highest distinction of the sport: induction into the Platform Tennis Hall of Fame.
The APTA has created an award to recognize people who have made invaluable contributions to platform tennis. The APTA Service Award will be granted annually by the Board. Each recipient’s name will be added to a plaque that is planned to reside at the Platform Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame, and each will receive a gift.
American Platform Tennis Association Service Award Recipients |
2018 |
John Noble
As a member of the APTA Board, John was the prime mover behind many of the APTA initiatives including Live Scoring, Live Streaming and League/Team Nationals. He also has been a long-time member of the Men’s Ranking Committee and Chair of three APTA Men’s & Women’s Nationals, a Mixed Nationals and a Men’s 45/55/65 Nationals. In addition, he has been Chair of the Chicago Charities for almost a decade. His tireless efforts to grow the sport were recognized by the APTA board in 2018, awarding him the APTA Service award. More
2014 |
Joe Russo and Duane Hayden
Two long-time proponents of the game, Duane Hayden and Joe Russo, received the APTA’s highest award this year for their impressive involvement in the sport of platform tennis.
Hayden and Russo were surprised by their awards and were feted in their communities. They both have been active in the game of platform tennis for decades and have served the sport in very diverse ways. Avid players each, they continue to be ambassadors for the paddle world in different regions.
2012 |
Anne Flemming
Joe Russo, the man who brought asphalt and concrete courts to facilities at Ocean Pines and The Villages, was awarded the APTA’s highest award this summer for his impressive service. More
2011 |
Bill O'Brien
At the 2011 annual meeting, O’Brien received the prestigious APTA Service Award for his initiatives and leadership in the Chicago area. O’Brien has been a tireless advocate for our sport and a vital member of the APTA Board of Directors. More
2009 |
Mark Fischl
The first recipient of the APTA Service Award, granted at the annual meeting on May 8, 2009, was Mark Fischl. Mark served tirelessly as President of the APTA for six years, and was the inspiration for the award. It was with pleasure that the APTA presented the first APTA Service Award to Mark.