APTA Is Looking For Qualified Candidates For The APTA Board.
August 20, 2018
The APTA is looking for platform tennis enthusiasts who are willing to give the organization their time to help advance our sport. This year we are seeking thoughtful, dedicated candidates for the APTA Board to spearhead our efforts in the following two areas:
Fundraising: A candidate should have experience in procuring funding for an organization for annual operations, endowment and special projects. Creativity is encouraged and perseverance is necessary. Excellent communication skills are required along with the ability to motivate others and a strong passion for the work of the APTA.
Marketing/Sponsorship: A candidate should have an event marketing background with an understanding of creating/delivering a fully integrated partnership between a brand and a sports property. Essential characteristics include a love of platform tennis and a keen desire to identify and procure financial sponsorships to help the APTA carry out its mission.
Interested candidates should send their qualifications to Ann Sheedy at ann.sheedy@platformtennis.org no later than September 30, 2018