APTA Board of Directors Meeting Recap

May 25, 2023


The APTA Board of Directors met for their annual meeting this year at The Country Club in Pepper Pike, Ohio. The event included meetings, committee discussions and an outing at The Cleveland Flats with 50 members of that new facility.

Over the very busy 2-day session, the board discussed & voted on many items, including:

  • Elected new members Andrew Haines and Josh Kritzler
  • Changes to the by-laws to include a Nationals Tournament Players Committee
  • Audits, financials, and approved budgets
  • Grants and loans from the past season and discussed future projects
  • The APTA tour for 2023-24
  • Live Streaming
  • PPTR Certification
  • PTI Tournament, Juniors, and Team Nationals
  • Digital Media Plan
  • Informational Technology
  • PTI
  • Rules / Testing Standards
  • Court Innovation

Link to Presentation

Link to zoom
Password: @rSMXMV2

2023 APTA Board of Directors at the annual meeting
Front Row: Leslie Parsons, Peter Lauer, Mark Holtschneider, Demian Johnston
Back Row: IT Director Isabel Cabanne, CEO Amin Khadduri, Andrew Haines, John McElhenny, Mandy Newell, Sue Pijawka, Ben McKnight, Executive Director Ann Sheedy, Tiernan Cavanna
Missing: Laura James, Josh Kritzler, Greg Morgan, and Anne Waldron

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