The APTA and Remedy+ Combo
December 1, 2022
Sport Growth and Product Launch Symbiotic

Have you ever unexpectedly met someone at a seminal event, only to find they soon become a close and valued friend? Remedy Products LLC, producer of Remedy+ leading natural health and wellness line of performance supplements, topicals, and energy snacks is just that friend. Both the company and the sport recall the 2020 APTA Men’s and Women’s Nationals in Darien as an unparalleled event. For the platform tennis community, it was the last major tournament open to the public (over 1,000 spectators) for almost two years. For Remedy Products, it was the public debut of their product line, Remedy+.
Tom Kurz, Remedy Products managing member recounts, “Our coming out party was the 2020 APTA Nationals in Darien. My partner Chris Peck and Nationals committee member Anne Waldron connected, and an event sponsorship felt like a great fit for the brand. Serendipitously, I live in New Canaan and Chris lives in Darien. It just so happened that event was also in our community—warm, comfortable, and special.”
Kurz remembers meeting Florentina Hanisch in Darien, at the Remedy+ products tent. Hanisch immediately became a fan of the products, or “magic potion”, as she refers to the Shot, and later an endorser and product spokesperson. Soon after, Ana Marija Zubori also discovered the Remedy+ advantage and joined as a spokesperson as well. The team’s renown for winning back-to-back Nationals and having an undefeated 2021-2022 season gave Remedy extra cache—as if they knew the greatness coming ahead.
Kurz explained, “We are focused on producing the most effective, best tasting, natural performance supplements for people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s who want to continue to compete in sports. Our products appeal to people who are by nature ambitious, competitive, and looking for that natural edge on the court, the field, the boardroom. The paddle tennis community is that sweet spot of consumers that we want to reach. Now we are working with the APTA, and it is just a fabulous place to be.”
“The APTA is excited to partner up with Remedy+ primarily because the products embody the energy and passion our members bring to the courts.”
-- Amin Khadduri, CEO of the APTA.