New Equipment Standards Announced
March 20, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA
The APTA Board just approved new platform tennis equipment standards. These standards aim to ensure player safety, protect the integrity of the game, inspire product innovation, and grow the sport. Our equipment committee started by meeting with NTS, which handles testing, inspection, and certifications across various industries. R&D testing was done on six different paddles from several manufacturers, some with different-sized holes and one without grit. After receiving these results, the committee reached out to many of the leading manufacturers in the industry to review the data. Using the testing, and valuable input from the manufacturers, some of whom have been in the business for over 30 years, the committee made their final recommendations for board approval. Every player can be sure that any APTA-approved paddle will provide consistent performance, be safe, and support fair competition on the court.
NEW Rule 3 The Ball and the Paddle
NEW Appendix A Ball Performance Standards
NEW Appendix B Paddle Specifications