Spotlight on the Kansas City League
By Brett Gamso
January, 19, 2017
Kansas City, MO
It was an odd start for the Kansas City league, as it was the first fall season in recent memory where we didn't have our Kansas City Royals in the World Series causing untold scheduling conflicts!
Our league is divided into two sessions. In the eight weeks from October to December 2016 we played King of the Hill format with two main awards: King of the Hill & MVP. King of the Hill is awarded to the player who moves the most courts in the season (most improved). MVP is awarded to the best player in the league (best player on the top court). This year Scot Symon won King of the Hill and Zach Frisch won MVP. It was a great first session in KC marked with unseasonably warm weather.
This week begins the second session of the league which is Team Event. The league of 128 guys are drafted by 2 captains into teams of 64 - with those two teams competing against each other for 8 weeks to determine a team event champion. The Two Captains that are squaring off against each other are Captain Jerry Rowan and Captain John O'Bryan. The winning team wins bragging rights & custom 'Championship paddle gear' while the losing team pays for the end of the year party.