Sun City West Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Paddle
February 27, 2018
Sun City West, AZ
by Ron Gliot
On February 19, an unusually cool, rainy day, Sun City West celebrated two milestone events. Forty years ago, in 1978, Dell E. Webb founded the retirement community of Sun City West, Arizona. Webb, from New York, also introduced platform tennis to this new community and built eight ground level courts. (The past 40 years have taken their toll; four courts remain available for play 365 days a year.)
The community celebrated the 40th year event with a parade of tennis players, platform tennis players, and various other groups. The oldest member of the platform tennis community is Bob, age 93 who plays three time a week.
The group decorated golf carts, created excellent artwork, and walked happily and proudly for the sport of platform tennis.
See Platform Tennis Magazine article: Paddle Fun in the Southwestern Sun (scroll down to page 28)