Region VII News 2009-2010
Spraklin-Daniels Top Tar Heel Men's PCQ
FEBRUARY 22, 2010
The Tar Heel Men's Platform Tennis Tournament took place at the Chapel Hill Tennis Club on Saturday, February 13th. Like many other southern locations, they had a bigger dose of northern weather than usual. Northerners are pampered by their well tended court heaters but in North Carolina they cleared the snow the old fashioned way...with shovels. Despite the unusual weather everyone arrived and the tournament was a success.
Read the fantastic coverage in The Chapel Hill News. Complete Draw
Southerners Have Fun Playing in Northern Style Snow
FEBRUARY 3, 2010
Whatever you call the big winter storm that blanketed the east coast recently, it didn't stop NC paddle players from having their fun. At the Southern Invitational in Winston-Salem, they dealt with their snowy courts creatively. Thank goodness for snow boards and big sheets of plastic!
Complele Coverage & Slide Show
Bailey & Lauer Repeat at the Peachtree Invitational
JANUARY 19, 2010
The 5th Annual PI, again hosted at Cherokee Town Club, set a new record with a sold out draw of 32 teams using all 7 cts in town. Atlanta was most flattered to host 8 players from IL, NY, MD, NJ & PA to compete including Fritz & Sandra Odenbach & Laurie & David (Jr) Hissey as well as Greg Moore, holder of several National Championships. Tournament Chair, Peter Lauer, remarked during a toast at Saturday night's party, that the goal is to someday host the Nationals in Atlanta!
Defending champions, Jay Bailey & Peter Lauer, retained their title for the 5th year running, though the finals was inconclusive at best as Greg Moore & Steve Lauria of NJ had to retire due to a calf injury Steve suffered early in the 2nd set. The enthusiasm, friendly competition and party was platform tennis at its best! Atlanta & the South is on the map and growing every year - watch out for Winter & Rollauer - 3rd place team this year.
Tulenko-Butler Top Games on the James
DECEMBER 10, 2009
The 2009 Games on the James took place on Saturday, December 5.Mark Tulenko and Forrest Butler took home the honors by defeating Hampton Bargatze and Massie Meredith in the finals, 6-3, 7-5.
All Night Paddle Marathon Supports the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
DECEMBER 4, 2009
For 37 hours, starting at 9:00 am Friday, November 20th and ending at 10:00 pm Saturday, November 21st, 81 players in Winston-Salem, NC participated in the First Annual Wellsy Open Paddle Marathon to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
The event was inspired by 9 year old Wells Clark, son of Perry and Kelli Clark, who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) at two weeks of age. Cystic Fibrosis is a life-threatening genetic disease that affects the lungs and digestive systems of approximately 30,000 children and adults in the United States. More
College Courts at Carolina Inagurated

OCTOBER 17, 2009
On a perfect fall day the University of North Carolina christened its three new grade level platform courts. The event was hosted by the Director of Facilities, Marty Pomerantz. Jean Kempner and Mike Rahaley were joined by Mike Cochrane and Mark Fischl. Approximately 50 students came out to join the festivities.
Oudin Helps Inaugurate RCS Courts
OCTOBER 18, 2009
A gala and exhibition at the new Racquet Club of the South courts, built with help from an APTA grant, kicked off the Atlanta season on October 9th. US Open quarterfinalist Melanie Oudin joined a crowd of 125 people to play her first set of platform tennis.
Platform Tennis Comes to UNC!
OCTOBER 13, 2009
Mark your calendars! On Saturday, October 17th the American Platform Tennis Association (APTA) and the Professional Platform Tennis Association (PPTA) will be putting on an exhibition and conducting clinics at the new UNC platform tennis courts. If you haven’t seen them, the courts are on Skipper Bowles Drive (on the UNC campus) across the street from the Dean E. Smith Center.
The exhibition will take place from 3 to 4 p.m. (rain or shine) and will feature four champion players. The clinics will be from 2 to 3 p.m. and from 4 to 5 p.m. and are open to the public, so come prepared with comfortable clothes and sneakers. Hot dogs and light refreshments will be served and children are welcome. This exhibition is free so invite anyone you think might be interested in learning more about this exciting racquet sport.
Playing in the exhibitions will be:
- Mike Cochran 2008 National Champion & PPTA Professional
- Jean Kempner - 2 Time Senior National Champion & PPTA Professional. Vice President of Professional Platform Tennis Association (PPTA) Jean is the Director of Racquet Sports at Evanston Golf Club in Evanston, IL.
- Mike Rahaley - Former top ten National Ranking in 2005 and 2007. Past President of Professional Platform Tennis Association (PPTA). Mike is the Director of Racquet Sports at Exmoor Country Club in Highland Park, IL.
- Mark Fischl - Past President of the APTA and former nationally ranked player.
RSVPs aren’t required, but encouraged. Please contact Marty Pomerantz, Director of Campus Recreation at UNC - Chapel Hill or call 919-962-2779.