Wendy Bermingham and Anne Koo Earn A+ at Arapahoe
Silvina Sansot and Kate Trujillo Top the B Bracket. More

Michael Slutzky and Ray Schwab Repeat at Arapahoe As
Craig Emerson and Scott Ripley Ace Arapahoe Bs. More

Jason Love and Mike Rahaley Bests Record St. Louis Field

Jay Schwab and Michael Slutzky Repeat as Colorado State Champs
Craig Emerson and Scott Ripley Best in B’s. More |

Denver Country Club Adds Two Platform Tennis Courts
Hockey and Paddle All Night Long. More. |

5th Annual Colorado Border Wars
Denver vs. Boulder. More

Susan Rudd and Wendy Yang Light Up Lagunitas PCQ
Elleke Haggerty and Stephanie Foster Claim the Ladies. More. |

LeFevre - Montgomery Capture Lagunitas Open
Finalists Tom Mayes and Will Lyon. More. |

Steve DeRose and Nathan LeFevre Last Men Standing in Kansas City
APTA Viking clinic and sponsor Ivy Funds tremendous additions. More. |

Wendy Bermingham and Kathleen Parker Repeat at Colorado State
Lucy Dinneen and Tracy Kerr Brilliant in Bs. More.

APTA Viking Clinics and Exhibitions Treated Royally in KC
50 players spend the afternoon with the pros. More

Tori Eichleay and Valerie McKinney Notch NorCal PCQ
Transplant Nathan LeFevre and Charles Hoeveler Take Men’s. More
FREE Court. Whitefish, MT
Tory Eichleay and Claire Joyce Repeat at Arapahoe PCQ
Anne Koo and Anne Lehigh repeat as finalists. More |
Zach Held and Rick Witsken Hold the St. Louis Invitational Title
The Sunday Calcutta proved just as exciting. More |