2019 APTA Nationals Ranking Points

For many years now, we've struggled with the point scale for Nationals. While it works very well throughout the course of the year, we've found that the points awarded for Nationals don't reflect the difficulty or the importance of our biggest and most difficult challenge of the year.

This scale was created based on the end of the year averages after this season for the men. The men's averages are higher than that of the women's so the women's points will be somewhat inflated after Nationals but our intent is for most, if not all, teams to use their Nationals result in their three tournament average. We have found that this has not been the case going back in history. For instance, the 17th ranked team for the men heading into Nationals this year has an average of 44.79 but would only get 40.375 points for finishing 17th at Nationals calculated with a 4.75 rating. As you can see with this Nationals ONLY points scale, 17th place will receive 51 points this year which is higher than the average thus guaranteeing that it will be used in the top 3 for their ranking. This scale is not perfect but we feel it is a much better snapshot of nationals and will reflect so in all of the participants ranking points. We added points at the top of the scale to properly address the importance of Nationals along with 17th place and lower as those averages were higher than last year's heading into nationals.

We will be implementing this scale for the 2019 PNC APTA Nationals and will reevaluate next year.

Good luck in Pittsburgh!

Ray Crosta
Men's Ranking Committee Chair

Place 2018 Points 2019 Points
1 105 115
2 95 100
3 85 90
4 85 90
5 75 80
6 70 70
7 65 65
8 65 65
9 62 62
10 59 59
11 56 56
12 56 56
13 53 53
14 53 53
15 53 53
16 53 53
17 50 51
18 47 49
19 44 47
20 44 47
21 41 45
22 41 45
23 41 45
24 41 45
25 38 43
26 38 43
27 38 43
28 38 43
29 38 43
30 38 43
31 38 43
32 38 43
33 36 41
34 34 39
35 32 37
36 32 37
37 30 35
38 30 35
39 30 35
40 30 35
41 28 33
42 28 33
43 28 33
44 28 33
45 28 33
46 28 33
47 28 33
48 28 33
49 26 31
50 26 31
51 26 31
52 26 31
53 26 31
54 26 31
55 26 31
56 26 31
57 26 31
58 26 31
59 26 31
60 26 31
61 26 31
62 26 31
63 26 31
64 26 31
65 25 30
66 24 28
67 23 26
68 23 26
69 22 25
70 22 25
71 22 25
72 22 25
73 21 24
74 21 24
75 21 24
76 21 24
77 21 24
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99 17 20
100 17 20
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