Player Self Rating Tool

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Player Self-Assessment

The APTA and the PPTA have joined together to offer a player self-rating assessment. It's quick and easy. You can get a description of your level as well as keys to advancement.

A group of over 20 PPTA Level 1 Certified Professionals have created the rating scale and self-assessment tool. Our goal is to provide a consistent, country-wide level playing field. If you have a USTA rating or a golf handicap, you know what it's all about

This sets the stage for National League Championships and a better understanding of the levels of various B and C tournaments, not to mention making it easier to find players of your level in different parts of the country. (Read about the League Championships by following the "Mission and Plan" link above.)

Start with the self-assessment, then have your local PPTA professional review it with you and help get you to the next level!


Patty Hogan, former PPTA President
Peter Berka
Dave Broderick

Drew Broderick
Ana Brzova
Liz Cruz
Cynthia Dardis
Brad Easterbrook
Kelly Fisher
Mike Gillespie

Gustavo Goncalves
Marco Grangeiro
Nathan LeFevre
Scott Mansager
Anton Mavrin
Marina Ohlmuller
Heather Prop

Mike Rahaley
Lisa Rudloff
Amy Shay
Scott Slobin
Sue Tarzian
Gerri Viant
Rod Workman


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