Main Draw Winners Russ Burgess/Colin Melford; Finalists Tom
Riggio/Jeff Riggio
January 14th was a fun-filled 20-team paddle extravaganza, well represented by the North Shore and as far away as Long Island. Russ Burgess nabbed the victory from father/son team of Tom and Jeff Riggio. In the Consolation round, Rob Coster and Skip Young defeated Eoin Howlett and Peter Alofsin. Volunteers Greg Hedberg. Frank Gaj, and pro Jacques Faulise helped make this event a must for next year. The Average Joe Tournaments give all skill levels from lower B and down a chance to compete. This year, there were three Average Joe C Tournaments—in Essex, CT, Stonington, CT, and ours. Peter Evans in Essex and Russ Burgess in Stonington. ( possibly one in Guilford /Madison).
Consolation Winners Rob Coster/Skip Young; Finalists Eoin
Howlett/Peter Alofsin