Summer Leagues are Sprouting Up
April 8, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
The Cleveland summer league starts May 3rd and runs until mid-September when they have a season-ending tournament called The Inferno. They usually have over 200 people register and around 60-90 people play every Tuesday night. Brent Luce, Scott Pollock and Lea Morris will run the league so get in contact with them if you are interested.
The summer league is open to all players of all levels. Last year there were over 60 participants. Men and women and kids over 14 are welcome to play. It is not club-based or partner-based. You sign up as an individual, and are either rated from your league play or self-rated. Each week you play an 8-game pro set with each person on your court. The person with the most games wins, moves up a court (to a higher level) and the person with the fewest games moves down a court for the next week. The other two stay on the same court with two new players the next week—one moving down from above and one moving up from below.
Most of the participants are from the Greater Boston Men’ Platform Tennis league, but there are a handful of women that play and others who jump in. The league takes place one night per week (TBD for this summer but probably Tuesday) at various clubs mainly in the western Boston suburbs. Contact Ben Kryziak if you want in; he does a great job running the league.
Contact Ann Sheedy if you want your summer league information posted on the APTA website.