The APTA Gathers in Philly for the Annual Meeting

MAY 6-7, 2011

2011 APTA Annual MeetingThe APTA gathered for its annual meeting this weekend at the Waynesborough Country Club in Paoli, PA. The annual meeting is the one time each year when the Board of Directors meets in person to discuss the business of the APTA. Work is conducted throughout the year, and the board meets regularly via phone conferences, but this weekend provides an opportunity for everyone to sit at the table together and work through a complete agenda of topics.

On Friday evening, the Annual Meeting for the entire membership was held to elect new directors and present reports. George Douaire, Rich Green, John Noble and Courtia Worth were elected to their first terms. Tim Mangan and Paul Wiggin were re-elected for second terms.

Highlights of Friday evening included the presentation of the APTA's Service Award to Bill O'Brien, recognition of Tina Kelly's contribution for writing the platform tennis book "Passing Shots," regional reports, and a presentation by Scott Winters on the products under development at Viking/Prince.

During the Friday and Saturday working sessions some of the major topics discussed were new grant recipients, realigning of regional boundaries, junior development, senior tournaments, and the clinics and exhibitions schedule. Most of the discussions centered on growing the game of platform tennis and bringing value APTA members.

Check back again for more detailed reports on these APTA initiatives.

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