APTA Holds 2012 Annual Meeting

Weston, Mass
May 17, 2012

2012-2013-APTA-Board-350The APTA Board of Directors met at the Weston Golf Club on May 11 and 12 for its yearly meeting to elect new and returning directors, conduct business, and vote on new initiatives. (New board pictured at right.)

Friday morning, members of the Platform Tennis Magazine met along with publisher Wayne Dollard to discuss the strategic direction of the magazine.  After a few hours of discussion, an escape was made to the paddle courts for some spirited play.

At noon, Tim McAvoy, outgoing President of the ATPA convened the Board meeting.  Treasurer, Aila Main reported that the APTA is in very good financial condition.  Other topics included “grow the game” initiative, branding, the Hall of Fame committee, exhibitions and clinics, the PPTA, the Junior and College tour, and the President’s Cup.

Mark Kebe presents Region IV ReportThe Annual Meeting beginning at 6:30 was open to the public and many members of the Boston paddle community joined the APTA Board.  A brief financial report, reports from all the regions and reports from the Growth Committee and Exhibition Committees were given to the attendees. (Pictured at right, Mark Kebe reports on Region 4.)  Both Viking and Wilson representatives gave their insight into the current state of the game.  All speakers agreed that platform tennis is indeed flourishing. 

Before the meeting closed, the winner of the APTA Service Award was announced.  Anne Flemming of Ross, California received the 3rd annual award.  Hendy Dayton, President of Region 6 received the award on behalf of Anne.

On Saturday, new President Rob Coster presided over a packed agenda. Topics covered included the National Ranking System, the Player Rating System, the courts and equipment rules and specifications, the new Sponsorship/Gifting committee, the League Dashboard (info to come later this summer), the website, the Seniors Committee, umpires, and myriad other topics. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.

More information about the decisions made at the Board meeting will be forthcoming.

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