CSI: Platform Tennis - Solved!

1. Who are these people and why are they smiling?

These men are the Cleveland Invitational Directors (l. to r.) David S. Dickenson II, Richard Taylor, Willis M. McFarlane, Carrington Clark, Jr. and Robert M. Bartholomew. They are smiling because the Cleveland Committee’s proposal to move the national championships to Cleveland was approved. Prior to 1973, all national championships had been held in the New York Metropolitan area. This signified the start of an era when the nationals moved to a different location each year.

2. Who is this hall-of-famer and when did she compete?

Charlotte Lee has won 10 National championships since 1961. With several different partners, she has annexed titles in both Women's and Mixed Doubles. Although she plays as well as most men, her stunning, colorful playing garb certainly attests to her femininity.
Why are they smiling? Who is she?

3. This national men's champion also won Wimbledon at
age 19. Who was he and why was his win at Wimbledon unusual?

He is Sidney Wood. His win at Wimbledon was unusual because he was the only player to win the Wimbledon title by a walkover. (Frank Shields withdrew because of an injured ankle.)

4. Who does this cartoon feature?
(Hint: this is from the cover of the APTA's 1975 Nationals program.)

Herb Fitzgibbon and John Beck.
Who is this Wimbledon winner? 2009-Photo-Quiz-4

5. Where is this paddle court?

North Boulder Recreation Center, Boulder, Colorado.
Where is this?
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