Curator Of The Virtual Hall Of Fame - Christi Hays

October 1, 2018
Pittsburgh, PA

2018 Christi HaysThe APTA is delighted to welcome Christi Hays as Curator of the Virtual Platform Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame.

Hays has played and taught the game at high levels for over 40 years. In her new role as Curator, Hays is looking forward to bringing more attention to the HOF Museum treasure. She said, “The history of the game is totally binge worthy. It has required years and years and years of pain-staking research and gathering information, pictures, programs, equipment, etc.” and she applauds the founders for all their efforts.

The APTA welcomes Christi Hays to their staff and looks forward to having an avid player, coach, and fan of the game in the position of maintaining the PTMHOF at the high standards it deserves.

If you haven’t already, make sure to check out the Platform Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame at

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