Poll Results

A little over half of respondants have fun while fundraising.
October, 2010

Fundraising Poll

Over two thirds of respondants plan to play tournaments this year. Play on!
September, 2010

Poll Results

Platform tennis has a devoted following.
August, 2010

How long have you been playing?

Quite a few of you have tried singles.
April, 2010

Do you play Singles?

Our poll takers like to learn from experience.
March, 2010

Best Way to Learn Paddle Poll

We are a competitive group!
December, 2009

While 58% of us like to play every type of match, another third prefer league or tournament play. That leaves just 10% whose first preference is casual social play.

Favorite way to play poll

It's great to see that you're encouraging the next generation. 67% have junior events at least monthly.
November, 2009

Junior Events Poll

You like to play tournaments.
October, 2009

Tournament Player Poll

When it comes to social networking, you prefer Faceboook.
September, 2009

September 2009 Social Networking Poll

No surprise here - paddle players prefer tennis in the summer.
June, 2009

 Platform Player Prefer Tennis

Even heat doesn't chase away these sturdy players.
April, 2009

Maybe it's just that the summer players come to our site off season, or maybe there are a lot of people continuing to play, but 33% of respondants said they continue to play paddle through the summer.

Do you play paddle in the summer?

Keep on learning!
March, 2009

Do you want reprints of instructional articles?

Is it any wonder?
January, 2009

NewYear00In a landslide victory of 59%, platform tennis players voted to spend this year looking for relief from the swirling economic crisis by playing more paddle. (Sampling method: tiny and unscientific; Margin of error: who knows?)

Poll New Years Resolution

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