Chicago Juniors Flying to Nationals

March 2, 2023



Daniel Ciaglo and Myles Jenkins spent part of February skiing the slopes out west but are now focused on another athletic endeavor—paddle tennis. The boys played in three Junior tournaments in Chicagoland—two at Indian Hill CC and one at Skokie CC—and won all three. Undefeated! This was their first year competing, although both are veterans of the sport.

Daniel said, “I’ve been playing paddle for about six years. I don’t play tennis, well, I played one year of tennis. I also play football, soccer, and basketball.”

Myles said, “I’ve been playing for four or five years, but I’ve been playing tennis for six or seven years. I also play baseball and basketball.”

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Friends at Sacred Heart School in Winnetka, the boys were introduced to platform tennis by their parents, who are also friends. In the Chicago league, “My mom plays Series 3, and my dad is Series 13,” Myles said.

Daniel added, “My mom is in Series 8 and my dad is in Series 4.”

Their fathers run drills with them on the weekends during the winter and spring. Daniel’s brother and a friend also hit with them. They are lucky to belong to the Westmoreland Club where the Volley ball machine was piloted. It can feed any type of ball you ask of it. Myles uses the Volley for overheads, screens, and drives.

As for their favorite part of the game, Daniel said, “I like the screens.” Myles smiled, “I like the overheads. I like to hit the ball hard.”


When Daniel and Myles heard that the Chicago men’s league was offering a stipend to teams with two wins in three local tourneys, the boys made it their mission to earn it. This weekend, they will be joining over 125 other Junior players for the National Championship.

You could say the team is sponsored. They will be donning some Volley swag in New Jersey—dark blue sweatshirts and hats. They feel ready for their first big tournament with a large draw. They are certainly bringing the right attitude. Daniel said, “This game is so fun. It’s a sport you can do your whole life. If I do it now, I can get better and still play it later. We just go out there and hit a ball.”

Myles agreed and said, “It is not as serious as other sports. It’s a little looser.”

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Myles said, “We have really good chemistry together because we play other sports together. Daniel has a very good backhand and I have a good forehand. We are just good all around. I play ad side.”

Daniel added, “We have pretty good chemistry. Myles is stronger at the net and I’m probably stronger at the back. I play deuce.”

Another way they work well together, Myles said, “We try to pick each other up when we do something wrong.”

Daniel explained, “We’ll sometimes tell a funny joke and then just keep going and that will get our confidence back up.”


Good luck to Daniel & Myles, aka Hustle & Muscle! Westmoreland CC, the coaches, and its members are so proud of their success in tournament play during the 2022-2023 paddle season! We all wish them the best of luck in the competition at the Junior Nationals Tournament. It has been our pleasure working with two of the finest young talents in our game. Daniel and Myles have spent countless hours working with the Volley ball trainer, their parents and coaches, and other kids of similar skill levels so I have no doubt these boys will be prepared to paddle battle and ready to enjoy themselves! Let’s go Westmo! Go get ’em, Daniel and Myles!

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