Letter from the APTA

April 20, 2023


Dear APTA members,

We had quite a season and I am so proud of everything the APTA has accomplished on behalf of all our members. Here are some of the highlights from the 2022/2023 season.

  • APTA membership grew to 31,887 members, up 10.4% and more than double our membership in 2016.


  • There were 272 APTA sanctioned tournaments with 443 different draws hosted by APTA Live Scoring or Paddlescores league sites.
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  • Almost a quarter of our membership (24.2%) played in one of these tournaments.
  • Team Nationals was our biggest event yet with 410 women and 350 men playing in New Jersey and Chicago.
  • The Husband/Wife Nationals and Mixed Nationals had 64 and 60 teams, respectively, the biggest draws in years.
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  • APTA Junior Nationals was a huge success bringing together 184 juniors from across the country plus Canada.
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  • The APTA Tour held 14 events and raised $150,000 in prize money at the tournament level, up 90% from the 2021/2022 season.
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  • 650 players played in 15 PTI National events.
  • Since 2019, $540,000 has been awarded across 18 projects in support of the construction and rehabilitation of 32 courts.
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We have our annual board meeting in May and will continue to focus on growing the game and providing increased value to you, our members. Look out for a Zoom invite to the “Board Meeting Summary” call where we will discuss our initiatives for the 2023/2024 season. Hope to see you on the call and, if not, on the courts next season.

Cheers, Tiernan

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