A Good Year for the Dardis and Shay Family

May 30, 2013

Nationals Medal Tracker

Team Gold Silver
Cynthia Dardis/Amy Shay  3
Emily Dardis/Ally Shay 2 2
Claire Dardis/Mimi Shay  2

If tournaments were wine, 2013 was a great year for the Dardis and Shay variety. Connecticut combo Cynthia Dardis and Amy Shay won their third Senior Nationals title this year, at the Women’s 45+s. Two sets of their daughters, Emily Dardis and Ally Shay and Claire Dardis and Mimi Shay, won silvers at the Junior Nationals, to add to their growing collection.

Congratulations, you are going to need a bigger medal case!

[Look for an article on platform tennis families in Platform Tennis Magazine this upcoming season.]

The Dardis & ShayGirls
Left to right:  Cynthia Dardis, Amy Shay, Emily Dardis, Ally Shay, Claire Dardis and Mimi Shay


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