Spotlight on Cleveland Women’s Leagues

By Lea Morris
March 28, 2017
Cleveland, Ohio

2017 Cleveland Women's LeaguesWednesday Night- We had a record 115 women playing in our women's Wednesday night team league.  The top four teams participated in our playoffs- Red, Blue, Orange and Green.  The Red team, captained by Meghan Brennan, prevailed over the Blue team in a close final (see photo).  The roster included:

Janet Bannerman
Meghan Brennan
Cyndi Hatch
Lissy Hill
Sara Laskey
Sue Lencewicz
Lonny Mawby
Lisa Mee
Wendy Pierce
Meghan Pribanic
Casey Radomsky
Lisa Richardson

Tuesday Morning- Our Tuesday morning league is played on an individual drop in basis.  We had co-champions this year tied for the "Diamond Paddle" award.  Congrats to Karen Nejedlik and Laura Weiss!

Friday Morning Box League- We had five full flights or "boxes" of players in our Friday morning league.  We have winners crowned in each of the four sessions so no overall winner but great participation and competition! 

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