Summer Paddle? You bet!

Hinsdale Summer PaddleBryan J. Freel
August 31, 2012
Hinsdale, IL

It’s July 12, 2012; 7:30 PM; 93 degrees; and yet we have six courts full of paddle players at Katherine Legge Memorial Park in Hinsdale, Illinois for the Hinsdale Summer Paddle League. This was a typical night for the summer league, which had approximately 50 participants in its inaugural season.
Prior to this summer, a handful of “newer” players  (including me) played in the summer of 2011.  Many paddle “veterans” attributed our warm weather play to our lack of familiarity with the sport.  In other words, we did not know we weren’t supposed to play paddle in the summer; but, we didn’t care!  “I don’t understand how players limit themselves to only playing during the colder months,” noted summer league participant, Anthony Ruggiero.  “It’s ok to play without the heaters!”

From my perspective, I learned more and grew more into the sport through my play during the summer months of 2011.  I was thinking 2012 was going to be no different.  With the general growth of the sport and the advent of the low bounce balls, however, our group started to think bigger.  
Hinsdale Summer PaddleWhat started as a loose discussion with five friends blossomed into an 11-week regular season with 50 players participating, followed by a playoff Given our relatively modest size, we utilized a non-traditional format focused on individual performance with no set teams. We even received regular participation from several other clubs, whose facilities were shut down during the summer months.  Players regularly stayed after league matches for pick up play and socializing. At the end of the season, prizes were doled out to the top six players and for the winners in each of the six playoff flights.

Besides being a lot of fun, the summer league could be used as a tool for player advancement and improvement, as well as a means for player placement within a club system that has over 200 players.  “In addition to building a stronger paddle community at KLM, the summer league was a great opportunity for me to improve my game by playing against lower series players (which generally does not happen during travel league play).  When I think about league play starting, the 11 weeks of learning the strengths and weaknesses of potential partners [and opponents] is going to be invaluable,” said summer league participant, Eric Clamp.  It is also a great way to introduce new players to the sport who may be more apt to try it when the temperature reads more than a bit above 20 degrees.
Hinsdale Summer PaddleThe initial season was incredibly well received and we have had many solicitations for participation in an expanded Hinsdale summer league next year.  We may need to transition to a more traditional team format, based upon participation levels for next season.  We certainly feel the sport is ripe for expansion to a year round activity – at least we know it will be in Hinsdale. 

Hunsdale Summer Paddle

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