Junior Jamboree Energizes Chicago
OCTOBER 22, 2009
The 2nd Annual Chicago Junior Paddle Jamboree coached, encouraged and entertained upwards of 170 children across three Chicago area clubs last Sunday.
The Winnetka Park District hosted 65+ kids, Salt Creek Club in Hinsdale 45+ and Sunset Ridge Country Club in Northfield 60+.
Children were divided into groups by age and rotated through the courts, where PPTA pros focused on different shots using fun and exciting drills and games. The kids weren't shy about chasing down balls, double blitzing and throwing themselves into every shot. At the end of the afternoon there was a pizza break, and the pros distributed prizes.
It was a wonderful afternoon made even better by perfect weather. The children ranged in age from 7-18, and in skill from beginner to very experienced. If the noise level, amount of laughter and number of smiles is an indicator, these kids are very likely to take to the courts again, and we probably saw faces that will reappear in adult tournaments and leagues in the years to come.
Make sure to see the action in the slide show below!
Many thanks go to Sarah Williams for organizing, and to co-organizers Jean Kempner, Alan Graham and Nate Parsons. The event was free for the children, thanks to the sponsorship of the APTA, the PPTA and the CPTTC.
It wouldn't have happened without these pros who graciously donated their time:
Winnetka: Matt Garavaglia, Marina Ohlmuller, Mark Johnson, Robert Stahl, Dave Bukowski and Mike Bruell
Salt Creek: Paul Garvin, Marc Ververka and Missy D'Alise
Sunset Ridge: Nate Parsons, Matt & Suzanner Lemery, Dane Schmigdall and Lisa Warner