Senior Championships Close out the Season at SeaBreeze

April 26-27, 2017
The Villages, Florida

2017 SeaBreeze Mixed Seniors 

Results from SeaBreeze Recreation Department’s Annual Senior Championships-Platform Tennis:

April 26, Men’s doubles:
55-59 Gold: Dave Rickords/Stan Kuzlowski
60-64 Gold: Bob Wiltman/Keith Bashaw
Silver: George Smith/Russ Jones
Bronze: Larry Klingersmith/Pete Weis
65-69 Gold: William Finley III/Bob Wozniewicz
Silver: Randy Smith/Tom Wetzel
70-74 Gold: Howard Potvin/Russ Mulcahy
Silver: Mamdauh Ibrahim/John Ebert
Bronze:Leo Pfeiffer/Rick Zappel
75-79 Gold: John Hatfield/Bob Strassel
Silver: Bruce Cramer/Dick Leonard
April 26, Women’s doubles:
55-59 Gold: Jana Klingersmith/Cindy Rabenau
60-64 Gold: Maryellen Bashaw/Laurie Smith
Silver: Denise Mundy/Wilma Cox
Bronze: Cynthia DeLapp/Debra Deibel
75-79 Gold: Pauline Bolwell/Mary Ann Cramer
April 27, Mixed doubles:
60-64 Gold: Mamdauh Ibrahim/Alesa Crawford
65-69 Gold: Keith Bashaw/Maryellen Bashaw
Silver: Steve Koziol/Debra Deibel
Bronze: Rick Zappel/Pam Frase
70-74 Gold: Russ Mulcahy/Sandi Thompson
Silver: Chandler Blewitt/Patricia Blewitt
75-79 Gold: Bruce Cramer/Mary Ann Cramer
80-84 Gold: Dick Leonard/Pauline Bolwell

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