The Villages Hosts Paddle Camp for Grandparents and Teenagers

July 7, 2017
The Villages, Florida

At The Villages in Florida, paddle spans the generations. This is the fourth summer that clinics have been offered to grandparents and their teenage grandchildren. On June 29, seventeen teens and their grandparents took part in this two-hour instructional camp.  Paddle is gaining in popularity at The Villages, and as thousands of new homes there are scheduled for construction, the potential for new players continues to rise.

2017 Villages Teen Camp 

Shown above are Teens and their Grandparents, that were introduced to Platform Tennis, by the staff of the Platform Tennis Club's, volunteer certified instructors and active player volunteers.

The camp held two brief play demonstrations by the Certified Instructors. This was followed by giving on court individual instructions to willing Teens and Grandparents. At the end of the two hour camp, attendees played actual games.

2017 Villages Teen Camp 

Shown above are the volunteer Platform Tennis Club's Certified Instructors and volunteer active players, that gave introductory lessons to all attendees. 

Active player De Randazzo, fourth from left, kneeling in front row, arranged and managed this camp, made up of 17 volunteers.

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