CSI: Platform Tennis!

Although there is no crime scene and no body, we do have a mystery to solve: We need to find vintage photographs from our sport!

Forensic TeamA forensic expert from the Platform Tennis Museum & Hall of Fame (Jim McCready) and Nancy Drew (Tina Kelly) are teaming up to unearth historic photographs, memorabilia, and equipment from earlier eras. They will be incorporated for use in the museum and also in a coffee table book about platform tennis history (to be published next year).

We know there were blunt instruments (paddle racquets) and many witnesses (the first Men’s Doubles Nationals finals had 150 spectators!), but now it’s time to get the evidence.  If you have relatives, neighbors, or friends who participated in the early years (from the 1930s-1970s), please ask them to share their photos, either action shots or posed portraits.

Also, we are particularly eager to get photos from junior events (from any years!), but especially from the 1960s and 1970s.   If you have any questions or are not sure what you have is relevant, contact Tina Kelly (914/923-3372).

Submission guidelines for photographs:

1.) Black and white or color
2.) Preferably scanned and emailed in JPEG format to Christinahoulihan@yahoo.com
3.) Identify people, place, and year of event (or as much info as possible).
4.) Include contact information.
5.) Acknowledgements of photos will be included in book.

And in the meantime, test your memory and try to identify the folks below. For answers, you'll have to cross the tape!

1. Who are these people and why are they smiling?

Why are they smiling?

2. Who is this hall-of-famer and when did she compete?

Who is she?

3. This national men's champion also won Wimbledon at
age 19. Who was he and why was his win at Wimbledon unusual?

Who is this Wimbledon winner?

4. Who does this cartoon feature?
(Hint: this is from the cover of the APTA's 1975 Nationals program.)


5. Where is this paddle court?

 Where is this?

Crime Scene Tape 

Beware... if you cross the police tape you'll
contaminate the scene, but you'll also
uncover the answers.

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